
Good Places to have Family Reunions

The location for a family reunion is very important.  You can hold it indoors or outdoors and on your family's property or public property.You need to make sure that the entire family or at least a majority agree with the location. If half of your…

Fun Family Reunion Activities

Sure family reunions are great for historical purposes and helps your family stay very close but there might be a problem. What the heck is everyone going to do for hours together? Sure you can eat and talk but how much time can that really kill?  You…

5 Tips For Choosing Gifts

We all love to receive gifts , whether it’s at Christmas or birthdays, or even a special anniversary. But in order to keep getting gifts, we have to give them to others too. And happily we like that part of the bargain almost as much as the receiving …

Baby shower ideas

Baby Shower Ideas to Consider It used to be that a baby shower was a mostly stiff and formal affair, for just the mother-to-be and her closest female relatives, who drank tea and exchanged parenting tips. While some of that is still the same – we stil…

Families are Beautiful

It's nice when the whole family spends time together. You share a special bond between one another that cannot be recreated with anyone else. Father, mother, sister, brother, you all belong to each other in a special way.  Each member of the famil…

How To Decorate A 'new ' Home

Buying a new home is a climax in most people’s homes.  There are few experiences as enthralling as moving into a brand new home.  The excitement can be marred when it comes time to decorate the home.   Few first-time home buyers are able to turn the s…

Tips for Buying a New Home

Learn from others' mistakes and save money on your new home Buying a new home can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. If you recently purchased your first home, you probably found that is hard to find good advice that…

Family - The Basic Social Unit

Family is the basic social unit. Family represents people living together by ties of marriage, blood or adaptation, thus representing a single household. According to sociology, the family has the primary function of reproducing society; biologically…

8 Ways to Create a Happy Family

You might disagree and say, “Lori Prokop what are you writing now?” But hear me out on this.  I believe finding happiness and success are more than just money.  If you are not finding happiness in your family, this is to remind you that you have the …

10 Tips when traveling by car with Children

With the rising costs of airfares and the increasing time it takes to get through security at the airports; more and more families are deciding to travel by car for their vacation.  Most of us with young children are returning to the days we grew up i…

6 Ways To Get The Kids Outdoors This Summer

Summer is time for outdoor fun with your children. However, sometimes the days are long and your ideas are short. Here are some ideas to help you make sure your active ones are busy and getting lots of fresh air this summer. Flat You Lay on the sidewa…

A Guide For A Mother Of A Newly Born Baby

Usually there is very little or no information known to most of the parents at the time of the arrival of their first baby.  There are many new questions that come to the mind of the parents of a newly born baby like how to handle their babies first c…

8 Energy Saving Tips

Our environment is suffering and our resources are depleting because we use too much of everything. Did you know that taking small steps to save our environment can also help you save money?  If you follow one or all of the tips below, you can actuall…

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